In order to improve and optimise business processes and provide maximum value for process customers, we have developed an approach to BPM called the Viewpoint® Business Process Management (BPM) Methodology. This methodology is applied at two levels, the enterprise level and the process level.
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At the enterprise level we conduct six activities, these are:
Communicate Business Process Management principles, concepts and benefits to senior management. This involves the full briefing of senior management to adopt the process view and support BPM initiatives. It also involves regular communication with senior management regarding the necessity for BPM and benefits achievable from BPM projects.
Facilitate the development of the organisational culture that values customer focus, teamwork, personal accountability and willingness to change. This is achieved through training and communication with all process role players.
Develop expertise, skills and a methodology for business process modelling, analysis, design and improvement. Building business process capability is one of our major thrusts to ensure BPM success.
Assist with the development of governance and management mechanisms of BPM projects and change initiatives.
Define the context, boundaries and business process architecture of the business area relating to the BPM initiative. Process types and levels are identified including core, management and support processes. The business process architecture defines the process classification, group, process and sub-process levels. The architecture is aligned with the strategy and mandates relating to the business area being analysed. This is an essential activity as it clearly defines the scope and alignment of the processes being optimised.
Identify high-priority business processes requiring optimisation within the defined business process architecture.
These activities lay the foundation for effective BPM projects at the process level of the organisation. They also provide the environment and organisational culture for the successful implementation of BPM interventions.
At the process level, we carried out six activities. These are shown in the following diagram.
Build the As-Is Model – in this activity, the current process is mapped and documented in a business process model. During this activity process components are identified including process name, scope, owner, customers, suppliers, inputs, activities, outputs, events, resources and directives.
Analyse Requirements – this activity is conducted using elicitation techniques such as document research, interviews, surveys, observation and workshops. The results of the requirements gathered are documented in a Process Requirements Table including current process problems and opportunities, process requirements, suggested improvements and improvement benefits.
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Design or Redesign the Process – this activity incorporates the results of the requirements analysis into a model of the proposed future state of the process. This is done in conjunction with the process owner and process role players. The proposed future state model is built and validated; the final deliverable being the To-Be Model. Process performance metrics relating to the measurement of efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability of the improved process are also developed and agreed on. Business process performance measurement ensures the effective control and management of operating business processes. Process performance measures are also set up for the process.
Simulate the Process – if the process is transactional, a model-based simulation is developed to test the process flow and the performance of the process with respect to throughput, time and cost.
Develop an Implementation Plan for the To-Be Model – implementation plans are developed to ensure the effective transformation of improved business processes. This involves a detailed project plan for each process to realise the development or changes to the components of the process including information system specification, organisational changes, change navigation and the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Own the Process – Once the redesigned or improved process has been implemented, the process owner is responsible and accountable for the ongoing performance of the process. Either continuous improvement is conducted or the optimisation cycle is repeated. Here, the process performance measures play a vital role.
All the business process models developed for the as-is and to-be process models use the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2 which is the global de facto standard for business process modelling.
Master your core, support and management processes in your organization with our official online Business Process Management (BPM) course.

I am a senior consultant at Viewpoint, and I specialize in Business Analysis, Business Process Management; Business Process Modelling and Redesign, and Operations Management. I have also written multiple courses in my areas of specialisation.